January 2003


Well after another great flight I arrived back in Iceland. I took the Flybus to town and Guðmundur picked me up. I had a quick coffee with him and Ingibjorg before I headed off to work. There was a lot to do at work as teachers were preparing for the start of classes. After work I moved my bed and a few things into my new bedroom. That and the bathroom was all that was ready, the living room and kitchen were still unfinished. Even though things were not finished I was happy to be in “MY OWN PLACE”

There was a lot to do and I even had to work on Saturday and Sunday. I did manage to sneak to Safamyri for supper on Sunday the 5th, my Christmas supper in Iceland. It fit as we celebrated the 13th day of Christmas a little early but it was a great meal with the family. Even with working all weekend the things were still piled up so I had to work late most of the week. Finally things began to settle down and I was able to work on some of my other projects, like the cultural weekend and of course helping to finish the apartment. I even found time to continue my Spanish studies. Aside from a few evenings out for supper and the like life in the suburbs was nice and quiet. It is almost too quiet, as I find it harder to wake up in the mornings with no traffic noise or the like. Even my birthday came and went quietly. Work is progressing on next summer events like a golf trip and the charter flight to Winnipeg.

Jan. 17th the staff went out for coffee together after work at Kaffi Nautholl. It was a great afternoon and nice to kick back a little.

Things progressed with the apartment and I even got to pick out my drapes and cupboards. I am always picking up odds and ends for the apartment because I know I will be staying there for a while and not having to pack up and move in the near future. The month flew by and I also fly to Isafjörður on the 24th. I was invited to the Sunnukór Dance. I snuck out of work a little early on the Friday and got on a plane for Isafjörður. The flight was good and my cousin Þórdis was at the airport to pick me up. I was the first guest to be staying in their new guest room of their new home. I felt honored. The kids sure are growing and they are not scared of me anymore, I guess they are getting used to seeing me. I used to go to Isafjörður and not really know anyone, now the whole town knows me and that is great. I guess I have to stay out of trouble there now. Gisli, Þórdis and I were invited over to a pre dance party. We were treated to fantastic soup, excellent bread and other goodies. There was a bus that picked us up to take us to the Ball. It was a very formal affair; the men were all in Tuxes and the ladies in gowns. There were sandwiches and cakes like you would not believe. The beer and wine tasted pretty good too. The entertainment was great, the least likely men were dressed up as women and modeling their gowns. The skit opened with the bartender reading Logberg Heimsringla; which made me think about how small the world really is. I was not able to get a photo of it, as it would have made a good picture in Logberg. We all jumped in a bus to return home. We went straight home, like I needed to party some more. Sunday was a quiet day; I was treated to a tour of the Free Mason House and took a few more photos before Þórdis drove me to the airport to fly back to Reykjavik. There was a good chance that I might get stuck in Isafjörður because the flights are often cancelled or postponed but that was not the case this time, darn it.

The remainder of the month went by fast with not much happening. About the only excitement at school was that a laptop was stolen out one of the teachers´ offices. I guess we have to bolt things down and lock things up even better. I have been spoiled living at Guðmundur and Ingibjorg. They are always treating me to meals and the odd beer so it was almost a whole month before I actually cooked for myself in my apartment. Yes I am lucky, but I know who to hang out with also.